General Information

Your Business


  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Final Step

General Information


Budgeted monthly payment

Desired lease term


How is your business structured?

Please fill out this section only if you checked Corporation or Partnership.

Legal name




Postal Code

Years in business

Contact Person or Sole Proprietor

First Name

Last Name

Phone Number


Email Address


By submitting this application, the user confirms that ail applicants listed have:

  • acknowledged that providing a social insu rance number is optional and not a condition to obtaining a credit review;
  • consented to the collection, use and disclosure of persona! information for the purposes of credit adjudication by the Lessor/Lender and its funders and to enable the Lessor/Lender and its assignees to provide leasing/financial services and to promote the products and services of the Lessor/Lender and its affiliates; and
  • consented to the Lessor/Lender and its funders obtaining information relating to the applicant, principal and or guarantor from credit reporting agencies in connection with this application.

l've read this agreement